The IIA Releases New Practice Guide on Auditing Credit Risk Management

The IIA Releases New Practice Guide on Auditing Credit Risk Management

After the 2008 global financial crisis, regulators and supervisors in the financial services sector have focused on credit risk management as a key element of the entire risk landscape. New regulations and requirements around the world have reshaped the value internal audit can provide when it comes to credit risk oversight.

Increasingly, authorities are turning to internal audit with the expectation that functions will have a more relevant and active role in an organization’s credit risk management processes.

“Auditing Credit Risk Management” provides internal auditors with a baseline skill set, enabling them to test and evaluate models that can measure the capital impact of an organization’s credit activities, the risk of leveraged finance, and the magnitude of counterparty risk, among other skills.

Topics include:

  • Key credit risk related regulations.
  • Credit risk governance.
  • Credit risk management.
  • The role of internal audit.
  • Planning and performing the engagement.

IIA members are invited to download this guidance and all guidance as a benefit of membership. Nonmembers may purchase Supplemental Guidance by visiting the IIA Bookstore.
