NEW! Global Knowledge Brief, “Approaches to Upskilling for Internal Auditors”

NEW! Global Knowledge Brief, “Approaches to Upskilling for Internal Auditors”

internal audit leaders can address gaps in critical skills​

Stakeholder expectations for internal audit are constantly
changing, growing, and seem to be moving targets. Meeting and exceeding those
expectations requires internal audit functions to continually expand skills and
capabilities, and internal audit leaders, including chief audit executives
(CAEs), must consistently give consideration to the existing and potential
capabilities in their departments, as well as the skill set gaps.

To remain relevant and continue to add value, internal audit
professionals must continuously keep enhancement and development in the
forefront of their minds. To grow and advance in an internal audit career,
practitioners must be cognizant of their skills and their skill deficiencies,
and be willing to develop and commit to a plan to enhance themselves.

Global Knowledge Brief provides valuable information and insights that will
help you start building your team’s talents and your own.
 The report is available to members at
